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Website Design and Training

Basic website design for small businesses, nonprofits, entrepreneurs. Customize your site to better target your customer or audience. We are based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Website Design and Training

We can put together a website that speaks to your target audience, maximizes for search engine optimization (SEO), and best utilizes assets you may already own. We can also suggest cost-effective ways to get the photos or videos you need to draw your audience to your website. We emphasize user experience so that your potential clients understand your products or services and how to access them. Everything is custom-tailored to your needs, your business model, and your client base. And of course, we work with your budget to address the highest priority issues first.


Before and After Transformations:

How We Do It

We put together websites using software-as-a-service platforms like Squarespace, WordPress, Weebly, and Wix--then we train you to use them. We want you to be able to make edits to text or swap out photos easily without the need to call us up and pay hundreds of dollars for each small change, which many web designers do. Our web design clients are primarily small businesses or startups that don't have the budget to hire a front-end developer--and super fancy bells and whistles most likely aren't necessary to market your organization.1

We can add useful functionality like an online store, a blog, contact forms, slides, video, etc. If you have a platform that you already use that you'd like to keep working with, that's fine, or we can switch you to another service if you are having a hard time with it.

The internet has come a long way since our founder taught herself HTML in the '90s. Let's embrace efficiency and get your products to market ASAP.

1If you require engineering services, we have partners we can work with to perform the services for you. Please note that you will not be able to customize this without our help moving forward unless you have a working knowledge of javascript or jquery.

What to Expect

Photo by utah778/iStock / Getty Images

1. Evaluation and Estimate

Website design can take a couple days to a few months, depending on the complexity of the request. In our initial consultation, we'll take a look at what your needs are based on what we can see at surface value and what you want to feature on your site. From there, we will estimate the cost based on the amount of time it will take to put the website together for you. Once you're comfortable with the estimate, we can get started!


2. Iteration Process

A clickable prototype of a website is called a wireframe. We use wireframe software to mock up your website before building or live publishing. In the software, you can add comments or make edits of your own while we work on the vision for the design. If you prefer, we can guide you through the wireframe over video conferencing (Google Hangouts or Skype) so you don't need to learn the wireframe software. Once you've approved the design, we can start building!

Photo by {artist}/{collectionName} / Getty Images

3. Ongoing Communication

We will be following up with questions and will need to maintain a regular cadence of contact for status updates and any changes that may occur. To eliminate unnecessary costs on your part, a solid plan for what you would like the website to be (and what your core business is) is essential. Changes after the estimate will cost more because they will add extra time to the schedule for your site and other clients in our queue. Initial hand-off communications will be crucial, and will likely be the most time-consuming portion of this process for you.

Photo by Alan_Lagadu/iStock / Getty Images


This is the best part! We help you understand what happens under the hood of your shiny, new website, then hand you the keys! We want to empower you to be able to make the easy edits you need without being intimidated by understanding how it all works. We'll give you a tour of all your pages and features, then train you on how to edit text, images, or videos if you want to feature new products, services, pictures, events, or anything else. We'll also teach you how to use the blogging tool if you want to keep your adoring fans posted on your progress.